FTB Utilities 1.12.2 所有权限 all_permissions.html
只在老版本会生成 all_permissions.html 这个文件,这里做一个记录,因为这个用起来还是挺方便的。
这里也有一份不一样的 https://gist.github.com/LatvianModder/580500873676c5252c72957fd93e4a28
Node | Type | Player | OP | Info (Mouse over for variants) |
admin_panel.ftbutilities.crash_reports.delete |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to delete crash reports, requires admin_panel.ftbutilities.crash_reports.view |
admin_panel.ftbutilities.crash_reports.view |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to view crash reports via Admin Panel |
admin_panel.ftbutilities.edit_world.gamerules |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to edit gamerules via Admin Panel |
command |
bool |
false |
true |
Permission for commands, if FTBUtilities command overriding is enabled. If not, this node will be inactive |
ftbutilities.afk.timer |
timer |
0s |
AFK Timer |
ftbutilities.back.cooldown |
timer |
3m |
0s |
/back Cooldown Timer |
ftbutilities.back.infinite |
bool |
false |
Allow to use 'back' command infinite times |
ftbutilities.back.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
/back Warmup Timer |
ftbutilities.badge |
string |
"" |
Badge |
ftbutilities.chat.name_format |
string |
"<{name}>" |
"<&2{name}&r>" |
permission.ftbutilities.chat.name_format |
ftbutilities.chat.nickname.colors |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to use formatting codes in nickname, requires ftbutilities.chat.nickname.set |
ftbutilities.chat.nickname.set |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to change nickname |
ftbutilities.chat.speak |
bool |
true |
Controls if player is muted or not |
ftbutilities.chat.text.color |
enum |
white |
Chat Text Color |
ftbutilities.chunkloader.load_offline |
bool |
true |
Keep loaded chunks working when player goes offline |
ftbutilities.chunkloader.max_chunks |
int |
50 |
64 |
Max Loadable Chunks |
ftbutilities.claims.attack_animals |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to attack animals in claimed chunks |
ftbutilities.claims.block.edit |
bool |
false |
true |
Permission for blocks that players can break and place within claimed chunks |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact |
bool |
false |
true |
Permission for blocks that players can right-click within claimed chunks |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.advancedrocketry.airlock_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.cherry_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.ebony_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.ethereal_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.eucalyptus_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.fir_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.hellbark_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.jacaranda_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.magic_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.mahogany_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.mangrove_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.palm_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.pine_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.redwood_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.sacred_oak_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.umbran_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.biomesoplenty.willow_door_block |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.defiledlands.tenebra_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.acacia |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.balsa |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.baobab |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.cherry |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.chestnut |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.citrus |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.cocobolo |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.ebony |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.giganteum |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.greenheart |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.ipe |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.kapok |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.larch |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.lime |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.mahoe |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.mahogany |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.maple |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.padauk |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.palm |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.papaya |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.pine |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.plum |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.poplar |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.sequoia |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.teak |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.walnut |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.wenge |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.willow |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.forestry.doors.zebrawood |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.fp.composite_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.acacia_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.anvil |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.birch_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.crafting_table |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.dark_oak_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.iron_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.jungle_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.spruce_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.minecraft.wooden_door |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.primal.door_corypha |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.primal.door_ironwood |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.block.interact.primal.door_yew |
bool |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.bypass_limits |
bool |
false |
Allow to bypass claiming and loading limits |
ftbutilities.claims.item |
bool |
true |
Permission for items that players can right-click in air within claimed chunks |
ftbutilities.claims.item.jaff.fish_bucket_clownfish |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.jaff.fish_bucket_cod |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.jaff.fish_bucket_pufferfish |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.jaff.fish_bucket_salmon |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.minecraft.bucket |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.minecraft.end_crystal |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.minecraft.lava_bucket |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.item.minecraft.water_bucket |
bool |
false |
true |
ftbutilities.claims.max_chunks |
int |
100 |
1000 |
Max Claimable Chunks |
ftbutilities.display.admin_info |
bool |
false |
true |
Display 'Admin' in Server Info |
ftbutilities.homes.cooldown |
timer |
5m |
0s |
/home Cooldown Timer |
ftbutilities.homes.cross_dim |
bool |
true |
Can use /home to teleport to/from another dimension |
ftbutilities.homes.max |
int |
1 |
100 |
Max Homes |
ftbutilities.homes.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
/home Warmup Timer |
ftbutilities.leaderboard |
bool |
true |
Permission for leaderboards that players can view |
ftbutilities.other_player.claims.claim |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow player to claim other team chunks |
ftbutilities.other_player.claims.load |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow player to load other team chunks |
ftbutilities.other_player.claims.see_info |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow player to see info of other team chunks |
ftbutilities.other_player.claims.unclaim |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow player to unclaim other team chunks |
ftbutilities.other_player.claims.unload |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow player to unload other team chunks |
ftbutilities.other_player.heal |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to heal other players |
ftbutilities.other_player.homes.list |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to list other people homes |
ftbutilities.other_player.homes.teleport |
bool |
false |
true |
Allow to teleport to other people homes |
ftbutilities.rtp.cooldown |
timer |
10m |
0s |
permission.ftbutilities.rtp.cooldown |
ftbutilities.rtp.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
permission.ftbutilities.rtp.warmup |
ftbutilities.spawn.cooldown |
timer |
1m |
0s |
/spawn Cooldown Timer |
ftbutilities.spawn.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
/spawn Warmup Timer |
ftbutilities.tpa.cooldown |
timer |
3m |
0s |
/tpa Cooldown Timer |
ftbutilities.tpa.cross_dim |
bool |
true |
Can use /tpa to teleport to/from another dimension |
ftbutilities.tpa.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
/tpa Warmup Timer |
ftbutilities.warps.cooldown |
timer |
1m |
0s |
/warp Cooldown Timer |
ftbutilities.warps.warmup |
timer |
5s |
0s |
/warp Warmup Timer |
Available command nodes | Usage |
command.additionalpipes.additionalpipes |
Usage: /additionalpipes teleport <items|fluids|power> |
command.advancedrocketry.advancedrocketry |
advancedRocketry help |
command.advancement |
/advancement <grant|revoke|test> <player> |
command.applecore.hunger |
/hunger [player] <value> |
command.appliedenergistics2.ae2 |
Commands provided by Applied Energistics 2 - use /ae2 list for a list, and /ae2 help _____ for help with a command. |
command.astralsorcery.astralsorcery |
/astralsorcery <action> [player] [arguments...] |
command.autoverse.autoverse-loadconfigs |
/autoverse-loadconfigs |
command.backpacks16840.backpack |
/backpack <open|bind|unbind|equip|unequip|permissions>. Defaults to open. |
command.ban |
/ban <name> [reason ...] |
command.ban-ip |
/ban-ip <address|name> [reason ...] |
command.banlist |
/banlist [ips|players] |
command.baubles.baubles |
/baubles <action> [<player> [<params>]] |
command.bdlib.dumpregistry |
dumpregistry |
command.bdlib.oredistribution |
/oredistribution <radius> [<min height>] [<max height>] [--file] |
command.bedbugs.bedbugs |
/bedbugs kick [player] |
command.betterbuilderswands.wandoops |
/wandOops |
command.betterquesting.bq_admin |
/bq_admin edit [true|false], /bq_admin hardcore [true|false], /bq_admin reset [all|<quest_id>] [username|uuid], /bq_admin complete <quest_id> [username|uuid], /bq_admin delete [all|<quest_id>], /bq_admin default [save|load|set] [file_name], /bq_admin lives [add|set|max|default] <value> [username|uuid] |
command.betterquesting.bq_user |
/bq_user help, /bq_user refresh, /bq_user hardcore |
command.biomesoplenty.biomesoplenty |
/biomesoplenty <tpbiome|biomename|stripchunk> [args] |
command.biometweaker.btinfo |
/btinfo |
command.biometweaker.btlistbiomes |
/btlistbiomes |
command.biometweaker.btoutput |
/btoutput |
command.biometweaker.btreload |
/btreload |
command.biometweaker.btreloadscript |
/btreloadscript <script file> |
command.biometweaker.btsetbiome |
/btsetbiome <biome id|name> <radius> (block|chunk) |
command.blockdata |
/blockdata <x> <y> <z> <dataTag> |
command.botania.botania-open |
<entry> |
command.botania.botania-share |
<entry> |
command.bq_standard.bqs_advancement_dump |
/bqs_advancement_dump |
command.bq_standard.bqs_loot |
/bqs_loot default [save|load], /bqs_loot delete [all|<loot_id>] |
command.buildcraftlib.buildcraft.changelog |
command.buildcraft.buildcraft.changelog.help |
command.buildcraftlib.buildcraft.reload |
command.buildcraft.reload |
command.buildcraftlib.buildcraft.version |
command.buildcraft.buildcraft.version.help |
command.caliper.caliper.count |
/caliper count entity|tile|ticktile|chunk |
command.caliper.caliper.recipe |
/caliper recipe book|bookall|normal|normalall |
command.caliper.caliper.tp |
/caliper tp <player> <dimension> |
command.caliper.caliper.tps |
/caliper tps |
command.carryon.carryon |
/carryon <mode> |
command.carryon.reloadscripts |
/reloadscripts |
command.clear |
/clear [player] [item] [data] [maxCount] [dataTag] |
command.clone |
/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [maskMode] [cloneMode] |
command.cofhcore.cofh |
/cofh help |
command.cofhworld.cofhworld.list |
Lists all CoFHWorld features |
command.cofhworld.cofhworld.reload |
Reloads CoFHWorld configuration |
command.cofhworld.cofhworld.version |
cofhworld.version.usage |
command.compactmachines3.compactmachines3 |
/compactmachines3 [subcommand, leave empty for list of commands] |
command.crafttweaker.crafttweaker |
/crafttweaker biomeTypes | biomes | blockinfo | blocks | botania | botbrews | botlexcats | botlexentries | botlexpages | botlextypes | botorechid | bugs | chiselGroups | conflict | copy | discord | docs | dumpzs | enchants | entities | foods | give | hand | help | ieMultiBlocks | inventory | jeiCategories | json | liquids | log | mods | names | nbt | oredict | potions | recipeNames | recipes | reload | scripts | seeds | syntax | ticmat | wiki | zslint |
command.cyclopscore.capabilityproxy |
/capabilityproxy <config | version> |
command.cyclopscore.cyclopscore |
/cyclopscore <ignite | debug | reloadresources | config | version | recursion> |
command.cyclopscore.everlastingabilities |
/everlastingabilities <abilities | config | version> |
command.debug |
/debug <start|stop> |
command.deepresonance.drgen |
drgen <subcommand> <args> (try 'drgen help' for more info) |
command.defaultgamemode |
/defaultgamemode <mode> |
command.deop |
/deop <player> |
command.difficulty |
/difficulty <new difficulty> |
command.dimensionalcontrol.teleportdim |
teleportdim <text> |
command.effect |
/effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] /effect <player> clear |
command.enchant |
/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level] |
command.enderstorage.enderstorage.clear |
Provides ability to clear a users EnderStorage. |
command.enderstorage.enderstorage.help |
Displays help for /EnderStorage commands. |
command.entitydata |
/entitydata <entity> <dataTag> |
command.execute |
/execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command> /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x> <y> <z> <block> <dataValue|-1|state|*> <command> |
command.exnihilocreatio.enreloadconfig |
enreloadconfig |
command.fill |
/fill <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> [dataValue|state] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] |
command.forestry.forestry |
/forestry help |
command.forge.dimensions |
Use /forge dimensions |
command.forge.entity.help.list |
Use /forge entity list [filter] [dim] to get entity info that matches the optional filter. |
command.forge.entity.list |
Use /forge entity list [filter] [dim] to get entity info that matches the optional filter. |
command.forge.generate |
Use /forge gen <x> <y> <z> <chunkCount> [dimension] [interval] |
command.forge.help.dimensions |
Use /forge dimensions |
command.forge.help.entity |
Use /forge entity help for more information on entity subcommands. |
command.forge.help.generate |
Use /forge gen <x> <y> <z> <chunkCount> [dimension] [interval] |
command.forge.help.setdimension |
Use /forge setdim <entity> <dimension> [<x> <y> <z>] |
command.forge.help.tps |
Use /forge tps [dimension] |
command.forge.help.track |
Use /forge track help for more information on tracking subcommands. |
command.forge.setdimension |
Use /forge setdim <entity> <dimension> [<x> <y> <z>] |
command.forge.tps |
Use /forge tps [dimension] |
command.forge.track.entity |
commands.forge.tracking.entity.usage |
command.forge.track.help.entity |
commands.forge.tracking.entity.usage |
command.forge.track.help.reset |
Use /forge track reset <te|entity> |
command.forge.track.help.start |
Use /forge track start <te|entity> <duration> |
command.forge.track.help.te |
Use /forge track te |
command.forge.track.reset |
Use /forge track reset <te|entity> |
command.forge.track.start |
Use /forge track start <te|entity> <duration> |
command.forge.track.te |
Use /forge track te |
command.fp./dimension |
//dimension - return information aboud this Dimenson //dimension <id> [target] - teleports the target to the dimension |
command.fp.fp |
/fp <research> ... |
command.fp.fpdebug |
fpdebug <research> |
command.ftbbackups.backup.help.size |
/backup size |
command.ftbbackups.backup.help.start |
/backup start [custom name] |
command.ftbbackups.backup.help.time |
/backup time |
command.ftbbackups.backup.size |
/backup size |
command.ftbbackups.backup.start |
/backup start [custom name] |
command.ftbbackups.backup.time |
/backup time |
command.ftblib.my_settings |
/my_settings <config id> [value] |
command.ftblib.reload |
/reload [*|domain:*|domain:id] |
command.ftblib.team.create |
/team create <id> [color] |
command.ftblib.team.create_server_team |
commands.team.create_server_team.usage |
command.ftblib.team.delete |
/team delete <team> |
command.ftblib.team.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.ftblib.team.join |
/team join <team> |
command.ftblib.team.kick |
/team kick <player> |
command.ftblib.team.leave |
/team leave |
command.ftblib.team.request_invite |
/team request_invite <team> |
command.ftblib.team.settings |
/team settings <config id> [value] |
command.ftblib.team.status |
/team status <player> [set_status] |
command.ftblib.team.transfer_ownership |
/team transfer_ownership <player> |
command.ftbutilities.back |
/back |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.claim |
/chunks claim |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.load |
/chunks load |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unclaim |
/chunks unclaim |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unclaim_all |
/chunks unclaim_all [dimension] [player] |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unclaim_everything |
/chunks unclaim_everything [dimension] |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unload |
/chunks unload [player] |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unload_all |
/chunks unload_all [dimension] [player] |
command.ftbutilities.chunks.unload_everything |
/chunks unload_everything [dimension] |
command.ftbutilities.delhome |
/delhome [home] |
command.ftbutilities.delwarp |
/delwarp <warp> |
command.ftbutilities.fly |
/fly |
command.ftbutilities.god |
commands.god.usage |
command.ftbutilities.heal |
/heal [player] |
command.ftbutilities.home |
/home [list|list_all|home] [player] |
command.ftbutilities.inv.disable_right_click |
commands.inv.disable_right_click.usage |
command.ftbutilities.inv.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.ftbutilities.inv.view |
/inv view <player> |
command.ftbutilities.kickme |
/kickme |
command.ftbutilities.killall |
/killall [type] [dimension] |
command.ftbutilities.leaderboards |
/leaderboards [id] |
command.ftbutilities.mute |
/mute <player> |
command.ftbutilities.nbtedit.entity |
/nbtedit entity <id> |
command.ftbutilities.nbtedit.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.ftbutilities.nbtedit.item |
/nbtedit item |
command.ftbutilities.nbtedit.player |
/nbtedit player <player> |
command.ftbutilities.nbtedit.tile |
/nbtedit tile <x> <y> <z> |
command.ftbutilities.nick |
/nick <name...> |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.add |
/ranks add <id> [parent] |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.delete |
/ranks delete <rank> |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.get |
/ranks get [player] |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.get_permission |
/ranks get_permission <player> <permission> |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.set |
/ranks set <player> <rank|none> |
command.ftbutilities.ranks.set_permission |
/ranks set_permission <rank> <permission> <true|false|value|none> |
command.ftbutilities.rec |
/rec |
command.ftbutilities.rtp |
commands.rtp.usage |
command.ftbutilities.sethome |
/sethome [home] |
command.ftbutilities.setwarp |
/setwarp <warp> <player>|{<x> <y> <z> [dim]} |
command.ftbutilities.shutdown |
/shutdown |
command.ftbutilities.shutdown_time |
commands.shutdown_time.usage |
command.ftbutilities.tpa |
/tpa <player> |
command.ftbutilities.tpaccept |
/tpaccept <player> |
command.ftbutilities.tpl |
/tpl (<x> <y> <z>) | ([who] <player>) |
command.ftbutilities.trash_can |
/trash_can |
command.ftbutilities.unmute |
/unmute <player> |
command.ftbutilities.warp |
/warp <warp> |
command.function |
/function <name> [if <selector>|unless <selector>] |
command.gamemode |
/gamemode <mode> [player] |
command.gamerule |
/gamerule <rule name> [value] |
command.gamestages.gamestage.add |
/gamestage add player stage |
command.gamestages.gamestage.check |
/gamestage check player stage |
command.gamestages.gamestage.clear |
/gamestage clear player |
command.gamestages.gamestage.info |
/gamestage info |
command.gamestages.gamestage.mirror |
/gamestage mirror player1 player2 |
command.gamestages.gamestage.reloadfakes |
/gamestage reloadfakes |
command.gamestages.gamestage.remove |
/gamestage remove player stage |
command.gamestages.gamestage.transfer |
/gamestage transfer player1 player2 |
command.gendustry.dumpalleles |
dumpalleles |
command.gendustry.givesample |
/givesample <species> <chromosome> <allele> |
command.gendustry.givetemplate |
/givetemplate <uid> |
command.give |
/give <player> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag] |
command.help |
/help [page|command name] |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.clearshaders |
/ie clearshaders [player name] |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.help.clearshaders |
/ie clearshaders [player name] |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.help.mineral |
Use "/ie mineral help" for more information |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.get |
/mineral get |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.help.get |
/mineral get |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.help.list |
/mineral list |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.help.set |
/mineral set <mineral name> (surround the name in <angle brackets> if it contains a space) |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.help.setdepletion |
/mineral setDepletion <depletion> |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.list |
/mineral list |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.set |
/mineral set <mineral name> (surround the name in <angle brackets> if it contains a space) |
command.immersiveengineering.ie.mineral.setdepletion |
/mineral setDepletion <depletion> |
command.immersivepetroleum.ip |
/ip <help|reservoir> |
command.incontrol.ctrldebug |
ctrldebug |
command.incontrol.ctrlkill |
ctrlkill |
command.incontrol.ctrlloadloot |
ctrlloadloot |
command.incontrol.ctrlloadpotentialspawn |
ctrlloadpotentialspawn |
command.incontrol.ctrlloadspawn |
ctrlloadspawn |
command.incontrol.ctrlloadsummonaid |
ctrlloadsummonaid |
command.incontrol.ctrlreload |
ctrlreload |
command.incontrol.ctrlshowmobs |
ctrlshowmobs |
command.journeymap.jtp |
/jtp <x y z dim> |
command.justenoughdimensions.jed |
'/jed <debug | defaultgamemode | difficulty | dimbuilder | gamerule | list-loaded-dimensions | list-registered-dimensions | register | reload | setworldspawn | time | unload-empty-dimensions ['unload-chunks' to try to unload chunks] | unregister | unregister-remove | weather | worldborder> [dimension] ...' |
command.justenoughdimensions.tpj |
'/tpj <to-entity>' '/tpj <entity> <to-entity>' '/tpj <dimensionId> [x y z] [yaw] [pitch]' '/tpj <entity> <dimensionId> [x y z] [yaw] [pitch]' |
command.kick |
/kick <player> [reason ...] |
command.kill |
/kill [player|entity] |
command.list |
/list |
command.locate |
/locate <feature> |
command.login_shield.lgs.setspawn |
commands.lgs.setspawn.usage |
command.login_shield.lgs.sit |
commands.lgs.sit.usage |
command.login_shield.lgs.tp |
commands.lgs.tp.usage |
command.lostcities.lc_buildpart |
lc_buildpart <partname> |
command.lostcities.lc_debug |
lc_debug |
command.lostcities.lc_exportbuilding |
lc_exportbuilding <file> <floors> |
command.lostcities.lc_exportpart |
lc_exportpart <file> <slices> |
command.me |
/me <action ...> |
command.modularmachinery.mm-hand |
/mm-hand |
command.modularmachinery.mm-syntax |
/mm-syntax |
command.morpheus.morpheus |
/morpheus <alert : version> | /morpheus percent <percentage> | /morpheus disable <dimension number> |
command.mputils.mpadmin |
</mpadmin, /mpa> |
command.nutrition.nutrition |
/nutrition <get/set> <nutrient> <value> |
command.op |
/op <player> |
command.openblocks.flimflam |
flimflam <player> [<effect>] |
command.openblocks.luck |
luck <player> [<amount>] |
command.openblocks.ob_inventory |
ob_inventory store <player> ob_inventory restore <player> <file without 'inventory-' and '.dat'> ob_inventory spawn <file without 'inventory-' and '.dat'> [<sub_inventory 'main'>, [<index of item>]] |
command.openmods.om_config_s |
om_config_s save <modid> OR om_config_s help <modid> <category> <name> OR om_config_s get <modid> <category> <name> OR om_config_s clear <modid> <category> <name> OR om_config_s set <modid> <category> <name> <value>... OR om_config_s append <modid> <category> <name> <value>... OR om_config_s remove <modid> <category> <name> <value>... OR om_config_s default <modid> <category> <name> <value>... OR |
command.openmods.om_source_s |
om_source_s class <class name> |
command.pardon |
/pardon <name> |
command.pardon-ip |
/pardon-ip <address> |
command.particle |
/particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [mode] [player] [params] |
command.playsound |
/playsound <sound> <source> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume] |
command.primal.actual |
/actual <cmd> <player> |
command.reccomplex.#& |
#& §r §e<1>§r... |
command.reccomplex.#as |
#as §r §e<commands.parameters.entity>§r §e<commands.parameters.command>§r §e[args...]§r... |
command.reccomplex.#biome |
#biome §r<§ehelp§r|§esearch§r|§etypes§r|§elist§r> |
command.reccomplex.#cancel |
#cancel §r |
command.reccomplex.#confirm |
#confirm §r |
command.reccomplex.#copy |
#copy §r |
command.reccomplex.#decorate |
#decorate §r §e[z1]§r §e[x1]§r §e[z2]§r §e[x2]§r --one --exp §e[null]§r |
command.reccomplex.#delete |
#delete §r §e<file type>§r §e[resource expression]§r... --§bd§rirectory §e<directory>§r |
command.reccomplex.#dimension |
#dimension §r<§ehelp§r|§etypes§r|§elist§r> |
command.reccomplex.#edit |
#edit §r §e[structure]§r --from §e[structure]§r --id §e[export id]§r --§bd§rirectory §e[directory]§r |
command.reccomplex.#eval |
#eval §r §e[dependency expression]§r |
command.reccomplex.#export |
#export §r §e[copy structure]§r --id §e[export id]§r --§bd§rirectory §e[directory]§r |
command.reccomplex.#fill |
#fill §r §e[commands.parameters.block]§r §e[source expression]§r... --§bm§retadata §e[metadata]§r --§bs§rhape §e[shape]§r --§bf§rlood §e[direction expression]§r |
command.reccomplex.#gen |
#gen §r §e<structure>§r --§bm§rirror --§bs§relect --seed §e[seed]§r --§br§rotation §e[commands.parameters.rotation]§r --sugges§bt§r --gen §e[generation type id]§r -x §e[commands.parameters.x]§r -z §e[commands.parameters.z]§r --§bd§rimension §e[commands.parameters.dimension]§r |
command.reccomplex.#import |
#import §r §e[structure]§r --§bm§rirror --§bs§relect --§br§rotation §e[commands.parameters.rotation]§r -x §e[commands.parameters.x]§r -y §e[commands.parameters.y]§r -z §e[commands.parameters.z]§r --§bd§rimension §e[commands.parameters.dimension]§r |
command.reccomplex.#list |
#list §r §e[page]§r |
command.reccomplex.#lookup |
#lookup §r §e[structure]§r |
command.reccomplex.#map |
#map §r §e<resource expression|structure>§r §e[virtual command]§r §e[args...]§r... --§bn§rosave --§bd§rirectory §e[directory]§r |
command.reccomplex.#move |
#move §r --§bm§rirror --§br§rotation §e[commands.parameters.rotation]§r --no§bs§relect --dupli§bc§rate --§bt§rimes §e[1]§r -x §e[commands.parameters.x]§r -y §e[commands.parameters.y]§r -z §e[commands.parameters.z]§r |
command.reccomplex.#natural |
#natural §r<§ehelp§r|§efloor§r|§esmart§r|§espace§r> |
command.reccomplex.#paste |
#paste §r --§bm§rirror --§bs§relect --seed §e[null]§r --§br§rotation §e[commands.parameters.rotation]§r -x §e[commands.parameters.x]§r -y §e[commands.parameters.y]§r -z §e[commands.parameters.z]§r --§bg§renerate |
command.reccomplex.#preview |
#preview §r §e<type>§r |
command.reccomplex.#property |
#property §r §e<key>§r §e<value>§r --§bs§rhape §e[shape]§r --exp §e[positioned block expression]§r |
command.reccomplex.#reload |
#reload §r §e[level]§r |
command.reccomplex.#reopen |
#reopen §r |
command.reccomplex.#retro |
#retro §r --exp §e[resource expression: only generate these structures]§r --§bd§rimension §e[commands.parameters.dimension]§r |
command.reccomplex.#sanity |
#sanity §r --silent --short |
command.reccomplex.#schematic |
#schematic §r<§ehelp§r|§eimport§r|§econvert§r|§eexport§r> |
command.reccomplex.#search |
#search §r §e[terms]§r... --§ba§rll --§bc§rontaining §e[block expression]§r --§bb§riome §e[biome id]§r --author §e[author]§r --maze §e[maze id]§r --list §e[structure list id]§r --§bd§rimension §e[dimension id]§r |
command.reccomplex.#selection |
#selection §r<§ehelp§r|§eexpand§r|§eset§r|§eshrink§r|§eget§r|§ewand§r|§eclear§r|§ecrop§r> |
command.reccomplex.#setbiome |
#setbiome §r §e[commands.parameters.biome]§r |
command.reccomplex.#sight |
#sight §r<§eremember§r|§ehelp§r|§eforget§r|§echeck§r|§einfo§r> |
command.reccomplex.#vanilla |
#vanilla §r<§ehelp§r|§egen§r|§echeck§r> |
command.reccomplex.#visual |
#visual §r §e<type>§r §e<true|false>§r |
command.reccomplex.#whatisthis |
#whatisthis §r §e[commands.parameters.x]§r §e[commands.parameters.y]§r §e[commands.parameters.z]§r |
command.reccomplex.#write |
#write §r §e<file type>§r §e[resource expression]§r... --§bd§rirectory §e[directory]§r |
command.recipe |
/recipe <give|take> [player] <name|*> |
command.refinedstorage.createdisk |
/createdisk <player> <item> <metadata> <id> |
command.replaceitem |
/replaceitem <entity|block> ... |
command.rftools.rftcfg |
rftcfg <subcommand> <args> (try 'rftcfg help' for more info) |
command.rftools.rftdb |
rftdb <subcommand> <args> (try 'rftdb help' for more info) |
command.rftools.rftshape |
rftshape <subcommand> <args> (try 'rftshape help' for more info) |
command.rftools.rfttp |
rfttp <subcommand> <args> (try 'rfttp help' for more info) |
command.rpreload |
/rpreload |
command.save-all |
/save-all [flush] |
command.save-off |
/save-off |
command.save-on |
/save-on |
command.say |
/say <message ...> |
command.scavenge.scavenge |
/scavenge Allows to reload the files |
command.scoreboard |
/scoreboard <objectives|players|teams> ... |
command.seed |
/seed |
command.setblock |
/setblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|state] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] |
command.setidletimeout |
/setidletimeout <minutes> |
command.setworldspawn |
/setworldspawn [<x> <y> <z>] |
command.spawnpoint |
/spawnpoint [player] [<x> <y> <z>] |
command.spreadplayers |
/spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams true|false> <player ...> |
command.stats |
/stats <entity|block> ... |
command.stop |
/stop |
command.stopsound |
/stopsound <player> [source] [sound] |
command.storagedrawers.storagedrawers |
commands.storagedrawers.usage |
command.summon |
/summon <entityname> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] |
command.teleport |
/teleport <entity> <x> <y> <z> [<y-rot> <x-rot>] |
command.tell |
/tell <player> <private message ...> |
command.tellraw |
/tellraw <player> <raw json message> |
command.terraqueous.repairstormforge |
repairStormForge me repairStormForge at x y z <d><br>'me' uses the players location, 'at' uses the provided location<br>x, y, & z can be any of the blocks making the vault<br>d is optional, it is the dimension; defaults to sending players current, or 0 if server sent |
command.testfor |
/testfor <player> [dataTag] |
command.testforblock |
/testforblock <x> <y> <z> <block> [dataValue|-1|state|*] [dataTag] |
command.testforblocks |
/testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode] |
command.tickprofiler.dump |
Usage: /dump x y z [world=currentworld] |
command.tickprofiler.profile |
Usage: COUNT_ENTITIES: /profile c worlds=c elements=10 output=commandsender ENTITIES: /profile e time=e worlds=all elements=5 chunk=all output=commandsender PACKETS: /profile p time=p elements=5 output=commandsender UTILISATION: /profile u time=u elements=5 output=commandsender LOCK_CONTENTION: /profile l time=l elements=5 interval_ms=23 output=commandsender LAG_SPIKE_DETECTOR: /profile s time=s output=commandsender |
command.tickprofiler.tps |
Usage: /tps |
command.time |
/time <set|add|query> <value> |
command.title |
/title <player> title|subtitle|actionbar|clear|reset|times ... |
command.toggledownfall |
/toggledownfall |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_drop |
tmg_drop <player> <timestamp or latest> [receiving player] |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_friends |
tmg_friends [add/remove/list] [player] |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_getdeathlist |
tmg_getDeathList [player] <timestamp or latest> |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_pop_grave |
tmg_pop_grave [x] [y] [z] |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_restore |
tmg_restore <player> <timestamp or latest> [receiving player] |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_steal |
tmg_steal [x] [y] [z] |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_toggle_grave_pos |
tmg_toggle_grave_pos |
command.tombmanygraves.tmg_toggle_render |
tmg_toggle_render |
command.topaddons.tophelmet |
/tophelmet blacklist <add/remove> |
command.tp |
/tp [target player] <destination player> /tp [target player] <x> <y> <z> [<yaw> <pitch>] |
command.trigger |
/trigger <objective> <add|set> <value> |
command.valkyrielib.removeowner |
valkyrielib.removeowner |
command.waterstrainer.waterstrainerreload |
/waterstrainerreload |
command.weather |
/weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration in seconds] |
command.whitelist |
/whitelist <on|off|list|add|remove|reload> |
command.woot.woot.dev.debug |
Use /woot dev debug {[!]event|show|list}. |
command.woot.woot.dev.power |
Use /woot dev power <bool>. |
command.woot.woot.dev.teleport |
commands.woot.dev.teleport.usage |
command.woot.woot.dump.learning |
Use /woot dump learning |
command.woot.woot.dump.loot |
Not implemented |
command.woot.woot.dump.mobs |
Use /woot dump mobs |
command.woot.woot.dump.policy |
Use /woot dump policy {int|ext} <mob|item> |
command.woot.woot.dump.structure |
Use /woot dump structure |
command.woot.woot.dump.tartarus |
Use /woot dump tartarus |
command.worldborder |
/worldborder <set|center|damage|warning|get|add> ... |
command.xnet.xnetcheck |
xnetcheck |
command.xnet.xnetdump |
xnetdump |
command.xnet.xnetrebuild |
xnetrebuild |
command.xp |
/xp <amount> [player] /xp <amount>L [player] |
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