隐私策略 Privacy Policy
最后更新日期 | 生效日期 |
2024 年 10 月 9 日 | 2022 年 11 月 11 日 |
Latest Updated Date | Effective Date |
October 9, 2024 | November 11, 2022 |
日期 | 修改内容 |
2024年10月9日 | 更新了用于分析的 Cookie 部分的描述 |
Date | Modified content |
2024年10月9日 | Updated description of Cookies for Analytics section |
If there is any ambiguity in the English information, the Simplified Chinese information shall prevail.
- 您主动输入的信息:电子邮件地址、ID、评论、帖子等;
- 日志信息:IP 地址、HTTP 请求头、您访问过的页面等;
- 您使用的浏览器、设备品牌、供应商、型号、屏幕尺寸和操作系统;
- 应用程序和网站的启动、加载速度,关键的运行计时;
- 不同的内容分发网络服务提供商在您所在的网络环境下的性能数据;
- 不包含个人信息的应用程序与网站的严重错误和相关错误信息;
- 根据 IP 地址得出的网络运营商与精确到城市级的地理位置;
无论您访问任何网站,您的 IP 地址、HTTP 请求头、您访问的页面一定会被发往网站服务器,这是无法避免的。
- 您主动输入的信息:账号、聊天记录等;
- 日志信息:IP 地址、游戏行为、世界交互记录等;
- 不包含个人信息的应用程序与网站的严重错误和相关错误信息;
- 根据 IP 地址得出的网络运营商与精确到城市级的地理位置;
我们使用开源分析程序 matomo 搭建 “翠鸟分析” 对翠鸟计划旗下网站的访问数据进行分析,所有信息将被匿名化储存。
matomo 是开源的,其数据不与任何第三方共享,您可以在这里查看其源代码:https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo
此外我们使用的 Web 服务器 NGINX 也可能收集部分日志信息。
NGINX 是开源的,其数据不与任何第三方共享,您可以在这里查看其源代码:https://hg.nginx.org/nginx/
我们使用开源分析程序 matomo 搭建 “翠鸟分析” 对翠鸟计划旗下网站的访问数据进行分析,所有信息将被匿名化储存。
matmo 是开源的,其数据不与任何第三方共享,您可以在这里查看其源代码:https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo
- 日志信息:IP 地址、HTTP 请求头、您访问过的页面等;
- 您使用的浏览器、设备品牌、供应商、型号、屏幕尺寸和操作系统;
- 应用程序和网站的启动、加载速度,关键的运行计时;
- 不同的内容分发网络服务提供商在您所在的网络环境下的性能数据;
- 不包含个人信息的应用程序与网站的严重错误和相关错误信息;
- 根据 IP 地址得出的网络运营商与精确到城市级的地理位置;
无论您访问任何网站,您的 IP 地址、HTTP 请求头、您访问的页面一定会被发往网站服务器,这是无法避免的。
如果您不想被分析 - 选择退出
我们提供退出“翠鸟分析”分析的方法 - 选择退出。
让您的浏览器向我们发送“Do Not Track”(请勿跟踪)标识,检测到此标识后您的访问将不会被记录。
请注意,如果您清除 Cookie、删除退出 Cookie、更换设备或 Web 浏览器,您将需要再次执行退出程序。
如果该窗口未显示,请访问:翠鸟计划 - 选择退出
翠鸟分析的域名为 analytics.pha.pub
您可以使用 hosts 屏蔽此域名,或是使用浏览器插件、路由器插件等。
- 我们使用的第三方聊天软件:腾讯 QQ、KOOK 等;
- 我们使用的第三方邮箱:云邮件推送、第三方企业邮箱等;
- 我们使用的第三方地图数据:高德地图等;
所有网页和文件传输都经过尽可能新、尽可能高标准的加密(如 TLS1.3、ECDSA 证书、X25519 等),不允许非加密访问、并部署了长时间的 HSTS。
所有数据库、文件备份都经过 AES-256-CBC 加密。
如果您认为您的信息可能因任何原因不安全,请通过电子邮件 admin@pha.pub 与我们联系。
- 通常我们将这些信息用于审计、分析、研究等内部目的;
- 保护我们的服务不被入侵;
- 管理网站;
- 了解网站上的用户行为;
- 了解和分析趋势;
- 收集用户群的整体受众特征信息;
- 创建、开发和改善我们提供的服务;
- 为了管理集成商和客户的账户并提供服务。我们使用个人信息是为了将特定的账户与集成商和客户联系起来,并向他们提供服务,对请求或查询作出回应,提供支持或技术援助,或提供便捷的支付方式。
- 为了改进网站和服务。我们使用分析信息来改进我们现有的和开发新的服务和产品,并定制现有和未来的产品。
- 为了获得市场洞察力。我们使用分析信息来分析市场,进行与本网站和我们的服务有关的业务分析,并用于其他研究目的。
- 为确保我们的服务和系统的安全。我们使用分析信息,通过识别潜在的威胁和漏洞来保护我们的系统,并以其他方式保护我们收集的信息。
- 为了任何合法的商业目的。
关于 Cookie
什么是 Cookie ?
由网站所有者(在本例中为翠鸟计划)设置的 Cookie 称为“第一方 Cookie”。 由网站所有者以外的其他方设置的 Cookie 称为“第三方 Cookie”。 第三方 Cookie使第三方特性或功能能够在网站上或通过网站提供(例如,广告、互动内容和分析)。
设置这些第三方 Cookie 的各方可以在访问相关网站和访问某些其他网站时识别您的计算机。
我们为什么使用 Cookie ?
我们出于多种原因使用第一方和第三方 Cookie。 出于技术原因,我们的网站运行需要一些 Cookie,我们将这些称为“基本”或“绝对必要”Cookie。 其他 Cookie 还使我们能够跟踪和定位用户的兴趣,以增强我们在线资产的体验。
我如何控制 Cookie ?
可以设置或修改您的网络浏览器设置、或使用浏览器插件以接受或拒绝 Cookie。
我如何控制浏览器上的 Cookie?
由于您可以通过网络浏览器控件拒绝 Cookie 的方式因浏览器而异,因此您应该访问浏览器的帮助菜单以获取更多信息。
如果您不接受我们的 Cookies,您在使用本网站时可能会遇到一些不便,一些功能可能无法正常运行。
- 对于 Chrome 浏览器,请访问 Google 提供的页面。
- 对于 Internet Explorer 浏览器, 请访问 Microsoft 提供的页面。
- 对于 Firefox 浏览器, 请访问 Mozilla 提供的页面。
- 对于 Safari 浏览器, 请访问 Apple 提供的页面。
- 对于其它浏览器, 请访问你的浏览器提供的支持页面。
我们使用哪些 Cookie
下表描述了通过我们网站提供的第一方和第三方 Cookie 的具体类型及其执行的目的
Cookie 可以是"持久性 Cookie"或"会话 Cookie"。
当您离开网站时,持久性 Cookie 仍保留在您的个人电脑或移动设备上,而会话 Cookie 则在您关闭网络浏览器后被立即删除。
(请注意,提供的具体 Cookie 可能因您访问的具体在线资产而异):
Web Beacons 网络信标
我们服务的某些功能可能使用 Local Shared Objects 或 Flash Cookies 来收集和存储有关您的偏好或您在我们服务上的活动的信息。
我们的网站和服务不针对 13 岁以下的儿童,我们不会有意收集 13 岁以下儿童的个人信息,尽管我们使用的某些第三方服务商或链接到的某些第三方网站可能会这样做。
- 同意:您已经同意为一个或多个特定目的处理个人资料。
- 合同的履行:为履行与您的协议和/或其中的任何合同前义务,必须提供个人资料。
- 法律义务:为履行我们所承担的法律义务,有必要处理个人数据。
- 重要利益:为了保护您或其他自然人的重要利益,处理个人资料是必要的。
- 公共利益:处理个人数据与为了公共利益或行使赋予我们的官方权力而开展的任务有关。
- 合法的利益:处理个人数据是为了我们所追求的合法利益而必须的。
If there is any ambiguity in the English information, the Simplified Chinese information shall prevail.
By using the services we provide, you indicate that you trust the way we handle your information.
We are deeply aware of the importance of this responsibility and have been committed to protecting your information and giving you control.
How to read this privacy policy
Privacy policies are usually long and difficult to read. We will annotate some of the content for your convenience.
Content marked in "green" is beneficial to you.
Content marked in "yellow" may require your extra attention.
Content marked in "red" requires your extra attention as it may be detrimental to you.
Revision policy
The currently effective version will always be published on this page.
We reserve the right to modify, revise or update this policy at any time, and you agree to our changes to the privacy policy by default.
You should visit this page regularly and use the "refresh" button on your browser to check for any changes to this policy.
If after clicking the "refresh" button on your browser, the "last updated" date remains unchanged, you can assume that this policy has not changed.
Please refer to the "update date" at the top of the page. A change in date indicates that the policy has been updated or edited, and the updated or edited version replaces any previous version immediately upon publication.
Browsers, operators, CDNs, and other organizations or individuals may cache our pages for bandwidth savings or other reasons. In this case, the content of the page you see may not match the actual content. The actual page shall prevail.
What information do we collect
When you visit our website services:
- Information you enter: email address, ID, comments, posts, etc.
- Log information: IP address, HTTP request headers, pages you have visited, etc.
Based on these information, we can also obtain some additional data, such as:
- The browser you use, device brand, vendor, model, screen size and operating system;
- Launch and load speed of applications and websites, key runtime timing;
- Performance data of different content distribution network service providers in your network environment;
- Severe errors and related error information of applications and websites that do not contain personal information;
- Network operator and city-level geographic location based on IP address;
No matter which website you visit, your IP address, HTTP request headers and the pages you visit will be sent to the website server. This is unavoidable.
When you access our games services:
- Information you enter: account, chat history, etc.
- Log information: IP address, game behavior, world interaction records, etc.
Based on this information, we can also obtain some additional data, such as:
- Severe errors and related error information of applications and websites that do not contain personal information;
- Network operator and city-level geographic location based on IP address;
Your personal identity information:
We will never actively or proactively collect any personal identity information through the services we provide without your knowledge. Never.
How we collect your information
We use the open source analytics program matomo to build "Project Halcyon Analytics" to analyze the visit data of websites under the Project Halcyon, and all information will be stored anonymously.
This information will be used to analyze which pages are most popular, how our website performs...
matomo is open source and its data is not shared with any third party. You can view its source code here: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo
In addition, the web server NGINX we use may also collect some log information.
NGINX is open source and its data is not shared with any third party. You can view its source code here: https://hg.nginx.org/nginx/
"Project Halcyon Analytics" website visit data analysis and opt-out
We use the open source analytics program matomo to build "Project Halcyon Analytics" to analyze the visit data of websites under the Project Halcyon, and all information will be stored anonymously.
This information will be used to analyze which pages are most popular, how our website performs...
matmo is open source and its data is not shared with any third party. You can view its source code here: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo
The information we collect through "Project Halcyon Analytics" includes:
- Log information: IP address, HTTP request headers, pages you have visited, etc.
Based on this information, we can also obtain some additional data, such as:
- The browser you use, device brand, vendor, model, screen size and operating system;
- Launch and load speed of applications and websites, key runtime timing;
- Performance data of different content distribution network service providers in your network environment;
- Severe errors and related error information of applications and websites that do not contain personal information;
- Network operator and city-level geographic location based on IP address;
No matter which website you visit, your IP address, HTTP request headers and the pages you visit will be sent to the website server. This is unavoidable.
You can view the actual data we collect through "Project Halcyon Analytics" in the foldable block below.
As you can see, this information is stored anonymously and will not be associated with you personally.
If you don't want to be analyzed - opt out
We provide a way to opt out of "Project Halcyon Analytics" analysis - opt out.
Method A
Have your browser send us a "Do Not Track" signal. Once this signal is detected, your visit will not be recorded.
Please use a search engine to learn how to do this.
Method B
The box below is an embedded page pointing to our analytics site where you can opt out of tracking.
Please note that if you clear cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, change devices or web browsers, you will need to go through the opt-out process again.
You can also verify whether you are being tracked in this box.
If the window does not appear, please visit: Project Halcyon Analytics - Opt Out
This box has been removed, go to the same section in Simplified Chinese version to access this box. |
We're sorry, we wanted to do a banner that would show up on all websites, but it's a bit difficult to implement, so this is all we can do for now.
Method C
The domain name for Project Halcyon Analytics is analytics.pha.pub
. You can use hosts to block this domain or use browser plugins, router plugins, etc.
How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
Currently, except for mandatory requirements of laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation or government authorities, we will not voluntarily disclose your personal information.
If the law requires us to disclose your information, we will notify you first and then disclose it.
If there are other situations that require the disclosure of personal information, we will obtain your explicit consent.
However, there are some situations where your information will inevitably be shared with third parties, such as:
- Third-party chat software we use: Tencent QQ, KOOK, etc.
- Third-party email services we use: Cloud Mail Push, third-party enterprise email, etc.
- Third-party map data we use: Gaode Maps, etc.
How we protect your data
We protect our infrastructure and your personal information through strict technical and organizational controls.
All web pages and file transfers are encrypted to the highest possible standard (such as TLS1.3, ECDSA certificates, X25519, etc.), do not allow unencrypted access and have deployed long-term HSTS.
All databases and file backups are encrypted with AES-256-CBC.
Your personal information (such as your email address) is stored encrypted in our database but the database itself resides on unencrypted disks.
Unfortunately, no security measure is foolproof.
Therefore, no network or system (including ours) can fully guarantee that the information we collect and store is not compromised, lost, altered or accessed without authorization.
If you believe that your information may be insecure for any reason, please contact us by email at admin@pha.pub.
How we use your information
- Generally we use this information for internal purposes such as auditing, analysis and research;
- Protect our services from intrusion;
- Manage the website;
- Understand user behavior on the website;
- Understand and analyze trends;
- Collect overall audience characteristic information for user groups;
- Create, develop and improve the services we provide;
- To manage integrator and customer accounts and provide services. We use personal information to associate specific accounts with integrators and customers and to provide them with services, respond to requests or inquiries, provide support or technical assistance or provide convenient payment methods.
- To improve websites and services. We use analytical information to improve our existing and develop new services and products and to customize existing and future products.
- To gain market insights. We use analytical information to analyze the market, conduct business analysis related to this website and our services and for other research purposes.
- To ensure the security of our services and systems. We use analytical information to protect our systems by identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities and in other ways to protect the information we collect.
- For any lawful business purpose.
- Before using this information for this purpose, we will delete it in accordance with the methods described above. De-identify it. Anonymize it. Desensitize it. Classify it. And aggregate it so that it cannot reasonably be associated with any individual.
We will not use the collected information for any content or advertising promotion.
About Cookie
What are cookies?
We currently do not use third-party cookies.
Why do we use cookies?
We use first- and third-party cookies for several reasons. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our Website to operate, and we refer to these as "essential" or "strictly necessary" cookies.
Other cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our Online Properties.
Third parties serve cookies through our Website for advertising, analytics, and other purposes.
We currently do not use third-party cookies.
How can I control cookies?
You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies.
You can set or modify your web browser settings, or use browser plug-ins, to accept or decline cookies.
How can I control cookies on my browser?
Since the means by which you can refuse cookies through your web browser controls vary from browser to browser, you should visit your browser's help menu for more information.
If you do not accept our cookies, you may experience some inconvenience when using this website and some functions may not work properly.
If you would like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or reject cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.
For the Chrome browser, please visit the page provided by Google.
For the Internet Explorer browser, visit the page provided by Microsoft.
For the Firefox browser, visit the page provided by Mozilla.
For the Safari browser, visit the page provided by Apple.
For other browsers, please visit the support pages provided by your browser.
Which cookies we use
The table below describes the specific types of first-party and third-party cookies served through our website and the purposes they perform
Cookies can be "persistent cookies" or "session cookies".
Persistent cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when you leave the website, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser.
(Please note that the specific cookies served may vary depending on the specific online property you visit):
Necessary/Essential Cookies
We treat information collected through cookies and other technologies as non-personal information because it cannot be used by others to recover any personal data about you.
We will not use cookie technology to disclose to any third party, or assist third parties to collect any of your personal information.
About other tracking technologies
Web Beacons
Certain features of our Services may use Local Storage Objects (or Flash Cookies) to collect and store information about your preferences or your activities on our Services.
If you do not want Flash Cookies stored on your computer, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash Cookies storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also control Flash Cookies by going to the Global Storage Settings Panel and following the instructions (which may include instructions that explain, for example, how to delete existing Flash Cookies (referred to "information" on the Macromedia site), how to prevent Flash LSOs from being placed on your computer without your being asked, and (for Flash Player 8 and later) how to block Flash Cookies that are not being delivered by the operator of the page you are on at the time).
Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash Cookies may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications, including, potentially, Flash applications used in connection with our services or online content.
Cross-border data transfer
Due to the global nature of the service, your data may be transferred or stored in the following countries or regions (including but not limited to):
People's Republic of China, United States of America, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Republic of Singapore, Japan, European Union, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
And processed and stored in other countries or regions. Data protection laws in other countries or regions may differ from those in your place of residence.
By accessing our website or using our services you agree to have your information including personal information transferred to other countries or regions in accordance with this privacy policy.
Protection of minors
Our website and services are not intended for children under 13 years of age and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age although some third party service providers we use or some third party websites linked to may do so.
We encourage minors to encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy and suggest that minors seek their parents' or guardians' consent and guidance before submitting personal information.
Notice to EU Data Subjects
We may process Personal Data (Personal Information) under the following conditions:
- Consent: You have given Your consent for processing Personal Data for one or more specific purposes.
- Performance of a contract: Provision of Personal Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with You and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof.
- Legal obligations: Processing Personal Data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject.
- Vital interests: Processing Personal Data is necessary in order to protect Your vital interests or of another natural person.
- Public interests: Processing Personal Data is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.
- Legitimate interests: Processing Personal Data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us.
Terms of Service
As a non-profit public service organization we need to limit some legal risks.
If you use or attempt to use this service in an illegal fraudulent malicious or abusive manner or if you use or attempt to use this service in a manner that interferes with other users of this service Project Halcyon reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to any of its services.
To the extent permitted by law in your place of residence: Project Halcyon does not assume any form of warranty related to this service including merchantability availability and fitness for a particular purpose (meaning we do not guarantee that our products will always work as you expect).
Despite our high regard for data security in no event shall Project Halcyon be liable for any type of damage or any failure related to this service (such as data loss) whether the claim is based on regulation or contract negligence or any tort (meaning you cannot sue us).